WhatsApp has become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us with friends, family, and colleagues. However, there may be instances when you suspect that someone has blocked you on WhatsApp. In this in-depth guide, we will explore the various signs and techniques to determine if you have indeed been blocked on WhatsApp. By understanding these indicators, you can gain a deeper understanding of your WhatsApp interactions and navigate your relationships effectively.

Understanding WhatsApp Blocking

What Happens When Someone Blocks You on WhatsApp?

When someone blocks you on WhatsApp, it means they have taken the deliberate action of preventing you from communicating with them. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Messages Not Delivered: When you send a message to a blocked contact, it remains undelivered, indicated by a single gray tick instead of the usual double gray ticks.
  • Profile and Status Invisibility: A blocked contact’s profile picture, status updates, and “last seen” timestamp become invisible to you.
  • Calls Not Going Through: If someone has blocked you, your voice and video calls will not connect and may end up going to voicemail.

Differentiating Between Blocking and Other Scenarios

To accurately determine if you have been blocked, it’s essential to consider other scenarios that may mimic blocking:

  • Account Deletion: When someone deletes their WhatsApp account, all messages and profile information will disappear, and you won’t be able to see their status or last seen information.
  • Phone Number Change: If a contact changes their phone number and doesn’t inform you, their profile information and conversations will be updated accordingly. However, you will still be able to see their status updates and communicate with them.

Signs of Possible Blocking

Messages Not Delivered or Marked with a Single Gray Tick

  • Understanding Message Ticks: WhatsApp uses different ticks to indicate the status of your messages. A single gray tick means the message has been sent, while double gray ticks indicate it has been delivered to the recipient’s device.
  • Persistent Undelivered Messages: If you consistently see a single gray tick on your messages sent to a particular contact, even after an extended period, it suggests that the messages are not reaching the recipient.

Inability to See the Contact’s Last Seen or Online Status

  • Importance of “Last Seen” Timestamp: The “last seen” feature on WhatsApp displays the time when a contact was last active on the platform.
  • Absence of “Last Seen” or Online Status: If you cannot see a contact’s “last seen” or online status, it could be an indication that you have been blocked.

No Profile Picture or Status Updates from the Contact

  • Profile Picture Disappearance: When a contact blocks you, their profile picture will no longer be visible to you.
  • Absence of Status Updates: If a contact stops updating their status or if their status remains the same for an extended period, it may suggest that you have been blocked.

Calls Not Going Through or Always Ending up in Voicemail

Failed Call Connections: When you attempt to make voice or video calls to a blocked contact, the calls will either not connect at all or will immediately go to voicemail.

Investigating Further

Sending a Test Message and Checking Message Status

  • Purpose of Sending a Test Message: To confirm if you have been blocked, send a message to the suspected contact and carefully observe the message status.
  • Message Status Indicators: A single gray tick indicates that the message has been sent, double gray ticks mean it has been delivered, and double blue ticks signify that the message has been read.

Observing Changes in the Contact’s Profile Information

  • Profile Picture Changes: Regularly check if the contact’s profile picture has been updated or if it remains the same over an extended period.
  • Status Updates: Monitor the contact’s status updates and observe if they remain unchanged or are frequently updated.

Examining the “Add to Group” Option with the Contact

  • Creating a New WhatsApp Group: Create a new group and attempt to add the suspected contact.
  • Inability to Add the Contact: If you are unable to add the contact to the group, it suggests that you may have been blocked.

Checking Mutual Contacts

Searching for the Contact in Common WhatsApp Groups

  • Identify Common Groups: Look for WhatsApp groups that both you and the suspected contact are a part of.
  • Missing Contact in Groups: If the contact’s name is missing or shows up as “unknown” in the groups, it indicates that you may have been blocked.

Analyzing Changes in Group Information and Participation

  • Modifications in Group Details: Keep an eye on any changes in group names, descriptions, or profile pictures, as it may provide clues about potential blocking.
  • Decreased Participation: If the contact becomes less active or stops participating in shared groups, it could be an indication that you have been blocked.

Using WhatsApp Features to Confirm Blocking

Creating a Broadcast List to Check Contact Visibility

  • Creating a Broadcast List: Formulate a broadcast list and add the suspected contact to it.
  • Contact’s Visibility in the Broadcast List: If the contact does not receive the broadcast message or remains invisible in the list, it supports the possibility of blocking.

Attempting to Add the Contact to a New Group

  • Creating a New WhatsApp Group: Establish a new group and try to add the suspected contact.
  • Inability to Add the Contact: If you are unable to add the contact to the group, it strengthens the likelihood of blocking.

Utilizing the WhatsApp Status Feature for Confirmation

  • Checking the Contact’s Status Updates: Regularly monitor the contact’s status updates.
  • Status Visibility Changes: If you can no longer see their status updates, it suggests that you have been blocked.

Analysing WhatsApp Call Behaviour

Making Voice or Video Calls to the Contact

  • Attempting Voice or Video Calls: Make calls to the suspected contact to verify if you have been blocked.
  • Observing Ringing and Connection Indicators: Pay attention to the ringing sound, call connection status, and any immediate redirection to voicemail.


Determining if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp can provide valuable insights into your relationships and interactions on the platform. By closely examining the signs and employing the techniques outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can gain a deeper understanding of your WhatsApp connections. Remember to respect others’ boundaries and privacy while using WhatsApp, fostering a positive and healthy digital environment for everyone involved.